TID Call for Nominations

In accordance with the by-laws of the Transplant Infectious Disease Section, we are requesting nominations for vacancies on our Council for the 2025-2027 term.

We are seeking nominations of highly qualified and dedicated individuals for 3 council positions that will commence following our Business Meeting, currently scheduled for September 25, 2025.

The Society seeks to achieve a geographically balanced representation of Council in proportion to our membership and therefore, we are particularly seeking candidates from Europe, Asia and North America.

To be eligible for election the candidate must be a Full Member in good standing of TID at the time of their nomination and during their term of office. Nominations must be completed online by using your member login.

To nominate, you will need the following information:

  1. Name and email of the nominee (Must be a FULL member in good standing)
  2. Name and email of 2 supporters (Must be FULL or Emeritus member in good standing)
  3. 200-word Bio of nominee
  4. Photo of nominee

Nominations must be submitted by March 21 at 23:59PM EDT.

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Staff Directory
+1-514-874-1717 x216


Transplant Infectious Disease
c/o The Transplantation Society
740 Notre-Dame Ouest
Suite 1245
Montréal, QC, H3C 3X6