The International Pediatric Transplant Association stands in solidarity with our colleagues, transplant patients and their families, and the people of Ukraine, and are ready to support the Ukrainian transplant community in this tragic time.

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About IPTA

The International Pediatric Transplant Association (IPTA) is a professional organization of individuals in the field of pediatric transplantation. The purpose of the Association is to advance the science and practice of pediatric transplantation worldwide in order to improve the health of all children who require such treatment. The Association is dedicated to promoting technical and scientific advances in pediatric transplantation and to advocating for the rights of all children who need transplantation.

Donate Today!

Scholarships for Young Investigator / Trainees and Allied Health Professionals / Outreach Program / Fellows Symposium / Biennial Congress. You may also make an unrestricted donation which will be used to help IPTA to promote the advancement of the science and practice of transplantation in children worldwide and to serve as a unified voice for the special needs of pediatric transplant recipients.

Nomination Deadline: March 10, 2025

Nominations are currently open for the IPTA 2025 Awards. The selected candidates will be presented with their awards at the 2025 IPTA 12th Congress on Pediatric Transplantation in Berlin, Germany, in September 2025.

Abstract Submission Deadline: March 25, 2025

The deadline for abstract submissions is fast approaching! Don’t miss your chance to be part of the IPTA 2025 program. With over 100 oral abstract presentation slots available, your chances of securing one are better than ever.

Call for Council - Nomination Deadline: March 10

IPTA is seeking qualified candidates to be considered for open Councilor and Officer positions beginning in September 2025. Nominations and applications are welcome from anyone who has been an IPTA member in good standing for at least 1 year. Service to IPTA on committees or special activities relevant to Association is an asset. Visit the Members Area for complete details and to apply.

Child Organ Allocation Advocacy: An International Initiative

The International Pediatric Transplant Association (IPTA) is dedicated to advocating for equitable access to life-saving transplants for children worldwide. Despite advancements in transplant medicine, disparities in organ allocation persist, with pediatric waitlist mortality remaining a critical challenge. Addressing this issue requires a global effort to understand current practices and identify areas for improvement.

The IPTA International Advocacy Group has developed a survey to gather insights on pediatric liver transplant allocation policies and programs worldwide. We have made organ-specific surveys. Your input is vital in helping us map the current landscape and advance strategies that can save more young lives. Please see the links to the surveys below.

We encourage you to complete the survey specific to your specialty within the next two weeks. Your participation will directly contribute to shaping the future of pediatric transplant care. The results will be presented at the IPTA World Congress in 2025, where they will serve as a foundation for discussion, collaboration, and impactful change.

Please answer the survey that applies to your area of expertise.

Thank you for supporting this critical initiative and helping us build a brighter future for children who need transplants!

AHP Member Spotlight

Carolyn Marshall
Music Therapist: MMT, RP, MTA

Jessika Welch
Art Therapist: DTATI, RP

Question Bank - Pediatric Transplant - December 2024

Want to stay up to date on transplantation? Want to test your knowledge? Here’s your chance! Our latest round of questions are focused on cardiac transplant.

IPTA Outreach Program – Paired Centre Winners 2024

IPTA and the Outreach Committee are excited to announce the winners of the Outreach Program awards!

The Outreach Program awards support the growth of pediatric transplant in low resource settings. This is accomplished through partnerships between an emerging transplant centre and a supporting centre.

From many excellent applications, the Outreach Committee has selected these pairs as the winners for 2024

Dr. Idalia Barroso Morales

Pediatric Hospital
National Medical Center of the West
Guadalajara, Mexico

Dr. Mureo Kasahara

National Centre for Child Health and Development
Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Manuel Rodriguez-Davalos

National Institute of Pediatrics
Mexico City, Mexico

Dr. Naresh Shanmugam

Rela Institute, Chennai, India

Mentoring Program

IPTA promotes involvement of all of its members, especially those in their early career or those who work in places where publication is not considered a priority in the scientific community. For this purpose, a mentoring program has been developed. Hereby, early career researchers can access research projects improving their publication yield.

2024 Outreach Fellowship Winners

The IPTA Outreach Committee is delighted to announce the winners of its 2024 Outreach Fellowship. All are pediatric transplant focused and working within the framework of the Declaration of Istanbul. For the first time, a third Fellowship was offered, which focused on using experiences gained to help a more underserved region of the same country.

Your Opinions Matter!

Please see the IPTA Position Statement on Pediatric Priority, and please feel free to share your views.

IPTA Newsletter

June 2024 - Pediatric Kidney Transplantation

PODCAST - "Practising Paediatrics - Kidney Transplant" by Prof Stephen Marks, MD, MSc, MRCP, DCH, FRCPCH

"Transplant Immunobiology" by Dr. Licia Peruzzi

“Transitioning the Care of Pediatric Transplant Patients” by Dr. Rupesh Raina, MD, FAAP, FNKF, FASN

"How to Manage Children with Chronic Kidney Allograft Dysfunction" by Prof Stephen Marks, MD, MSc, MRCP, DCH, FRCPCH

"Acute Vascular Rejection" by Amrish Jain, MD, FAAP

PODCAST: "Surgical Management of the Pediatric Renal Transplant Patient" by Dagny von Ahrens and Ron Shapiro



Staff Directory
+1-514-874-1717 x210


International Pediatric Transplant Association
c/o The Transplantation Society
740 Notre-Dame Ouest
Suite 1245
Montréal, QC, H3C 3X6