SPLIT Allied Health Professionals Webinar
Thursday, February 11, 2020 - 1:00PM EST (Montreal time)

TITLE: Hospital Discharge Following Transplantation: There Is No Place Like Home

The participant will identify the impact of clinical research on patient outcomes in the area of transition from hospital to home and chronic illness care for parents of pediatric solid organ transplant recipients.
- Associations between hospital processes and post-discharge outcomes.
- Challenges experienced by families of children with complex medical conditions as they transition home from the hospital.
- Strategies to improve the discharge transition for transplant families.
New Two-Year WIT Fellowship Grant Program
Letter of intent is due on March 1, 2021

Women in Transplantation (WIT) initiative of The Transplantation Society will provide funding to an Early Career Researcher to support research focusing on sex and gender issues relevant to solid organ transplantation.
This initiative was made possible with support with One Lambda, a Thermo Fisher Scientific brand, and Sanofi, with each supporting one award.

The spectrum of studies includes basic, clinical and translational. This individual should have spent two years or less performing research relevant to solid organ transplantation since obtaining their last degree (PhD, MD, MSc, PharmD, or equivalent). This work may represent a continuation of current research or a novel aspect of work. The mentor should have expertise in transplantation or immunology but need not be an investigator with known expertise in gender or sex.
Click here to read the statement