The December 2019 issue of Transplantation Direct is now available in open-access. First, we would like to highlight articles on the topic of liver transplantation, covering aspects such as using the “kidney donor profile index" to estimate liver transplant outcomes (USA), and using early posttransplant lactate/pyruvate ratios to predict ischemic-reperfusion complications (Sweden). From an ethical - tutorial perspective, there are interesting articles on developing patient-centered intervention in cases of alcoholic liver disease based on the study of patient experiences (USA), and another group reports on cases illustrating the complicated situation of public solicitation for living liver donation where it involves the (Canadian) news media. In kidney transplantation, there is an article on results from a large series (Spain) of patients using direct-acting antivirals for hepatitis C treatment, and a Swiss group reports on a randomized controlled trial comparing behavioral versus educational weight management methods in transplant recipients. A group from the Netherlands performed a study on detecting donor-derived posttransplant malignancies in their organ transplant recipients and provides rationale for suggesting peri-transplant screening by whole body CT imaging. We welcome everyone to visit our Transplantation Direct website for full article details.