TTS Election Results

We are pleased to announce the results of the recent election. Congratulations to the newly elected representatives! We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the candidates for their dedication and effort, as well as to every voter who participated in this democratic process. Your engagement and commitment have been instrumental in shaping our community’s future. Thank you for making your voice heard!
Our newly elected representatives will officially take office at the conclusion of the TTS 2024 Congress

Nadey Hakim

United Kingdom

Nadey Hakim, United Kingdom

Nadey has been a transplant surgeon for 35 years, has completed a Multiorgan Transplantation Fellowship at the University of Minnesota and GI Fellowship at Mayo. Professor of Transplantation Surgery at Imperial and Professor of General Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic London. Past President of the International College of Surgeons (ICS), Past President of the Transplantation Section of the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM), Past VP of the RSM, and until recently VP of the British Red Cross (BRC). With over 250 peer-reviewed papers and 24 textbooks, he is a prolific author and sought-after speaker. An active member of TTS for 30 years and Councillor for Europe for the last four. Keen to help promote TTS by building bridges between international organizations. He aims to increase access to legal, ethical, and inclusive organ donation and transplantation worldwide and assist closing gaps in disparities. His efforts will be directed towards low-income countries where only few are offering transplantation. Fundraising has been his forte at institutions where he has worked (Imperial, RSM, ICS, WHO, BRC and Commonwealth) bringing in $millions of donations. Fundraising events help raise awareness, connecting with donors providing TTS extra funds to finance its objectives. Given his ability to work with cross-cultural teams and in different languages, he believes he can make a strong contribution to achieve the goals which were set by Sir Peter Medawar Past President of TTS (1966-67), advancing donation through science, developing professionals and inspiring networks supporting organ donation to improve organ transplantation worldwide.


Vivek Kute


Vivek Kute, India

Vivek Kute, MD, DM, FASN, FISN, FRCP(London) is Professor of Nephrology and Transplantation at IKDRC, Ahmedabad, India which is the Largest public sector multi-organ transplant hospital and dialysis network in India and Asia . He is committed to Service, Education and Research in Transplantation since 2008. He served as TTS councillor for the Asia (2020-2024), Co-chair of TTS Ethics committee, and Member of TTS data Harmonization committee, TTS 2022 Scientific committee, TTS membership committee, TTS 2024 Finance Committee and Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group. Currently, he is Treasurer of the Indian Society of Organ Transplantation (ISOT), Member of Apex technical committee National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, Editor, Indian Journal of Transplantation and Asian Society of Transplantation Councillor. He is also a former Secretary ISOT and helped transition ISOT to becoming an affiliated society of TTS.

He has over 270 publications, contributed with pioneering work in deceased donation, living donor kidney exchange and COVID-19 in India. He has received numerous awards including 2022 TTS Outstanding Achievement Transplantation Science (Developing Country) award having Expert Scape ranking as number ONE kidney transplantation expert in India and top 12 in Asia.


Camille N. Kotton

United States

Camille Nelson Kotton, United States

Camille Nelson Kotton is the clinical director of the Transplant and Immunocompromised Host Infectious Diseases Program in the Infectious Diseases Division at Massachusetts General Hospital, and an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA. She has worked in the field of transplantation since 2001. She was the president of the TTS Transplant Infectious Disease Section (2007-2014), chair of the American Society of Transplantation Infectious Disease Executive Committee (2014-2016), and serves as councilor for TTS (2020-2024), on the TTS Fundraising Committee, and co-chairs the TTS Education Committee since 2022. She has led four versions of the TTS-supported International Consensus Guidelines on CMV Management after Solid Organ Transplant (2008, 2012, 2017, 2024) and co-led the Second International Consensus Guidelines on the Management of BK Polyomavirus in Kidney Transplantation (2024), all published in Transplantation, where she serves as associate editor. She has a special interest in international transplant work and was integrally involved in the TTS-supported guidelines on Recommendations for Management of Endemic Diseases and Travel Medicine in Solid-Organ Transplant Recipients and Donors: Latin America (2018) and South Asian Transplant Infectious Disease Guidelines for Solid Organ Transplant Candidates, Recipients, and Donors (2023). She is a member of the United States Centers for Disease Control Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and is involved in national decisions regarding COVID-19 and other vaccines. Her vision for TTS is to further encourage collaborative participation and representation for TTS members from all around the world.


Susumu Eguchi

Japan (East Asia)

Susumu Eguchi, Japan

Susumu Eguchi, MD, PhD is an experienced professional in transplant medicine, with a focus on liver transplantation, currently serving as Professor and Chairman of department of Surgery at Nagasaki University. Throughout my career, I have been committed to advancing the field, contributing as Secretary General and Vice president of the Japan Society for Transplantation and as an Associate Editor for the official journal of TTS, Transplantation.

  • Prof. Eguchi led a governmental project from 2015 to improve Japan's procurement system, focusing on sustainability in transplant medicine.
  • Nominated for The Transplant Society (TTS)'s leadership series from 2017 to 2018, attended lectures, and presented at TTS in Madrid, showcasing my work on an international platform.
  • Actively involved in data collection for the WHO Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation (GODT) as the Japanese contact point.
  • Advanced living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) techniques, contributing significantly to the field's technical evolution and supported developing countries for establishing LDLT program.
  • Pioneered tissue repair through cell sheet transplantation, opening new avenues for regenerative medicine.
  • Implemented LT for hemophilic patients co-infected with HIV/HCV in Japan, addressing complex medical challenges.

As a representative of East Asia, he is dedicated to continuing efforts in environmental system for transplant medicine, raising awareness for organ donation, and supporting LDLT programs and LD advocacy in Asia. Recently, there has been an increasing trend in organ donation in Japan. With a vision to further international collaboration and innovation in the field, I seek to contribute to TTS's council with my expertise and passion for transplant medicine.

Riadh Fadhil

Qatar (Middle-East)

Riadh Fadhil, Qatar

Riadh Fadhil is a Professor of Urology and Transplant Surgery at Hamad Medical Corporation and Weill-Cornell College of Medicine-Q, he is also the Director of the Qatar Organ Donation Centre, Doha, Qatar.

After completing his fellowship in the UK in 1986, he served in many Clinical and Academic leadership positions in Baghdad, Iraq, including the University Kidney Transplant Center, Co-Founder and Secretary-General of the Iraqi Association of Nephrologists and Urologists, Chief Editor in the Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences & Dean of Al Nahrain College of Medicine.

In 2004 he relocated to Qatar where he has been instrumental in shaping Qatar's multiorgan transplantation program and pioneering 'The Doha Model' for organ donation, ensuring equitable access to transplantation services for all residents, irrespective of citizenship. Internationally, prof. Fadhil is known for his active membership and advisory roles in organizations like the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group, Transplantation Society- Ethics Committee, and the WHO Task Force on Organ Donation and Transplantation. His vision of promoting self-sufficiency in transplantation through collaborative efforts led to the groundbreaking Qatari initiative “Reach Out for Organ Transplant Self-sufficiency” program (ROOTS), empowering colleagues worldwide to establish successful ethical transplantation programs.

Mohamed Rela

India (South/Southeast Asia)

Mohamed Rela, India

Prof. Mohamed Rela is the Chairman of Dr. Rela Institute and Medical Centre, Chennai, India. He is a liver transplant surgeon with over 3 decades of experience in the field. His areas of expertise include adult and paediatric living donor liver transplantation. Niche areas of liver transplantation like auxiliary transplantation, split liver transplantation techniques were pioneered by him at the King's College Hospital, London, where he was the Professor of Liver Surgery. His name figures in the Guinness Book of Records for successfully performing a liver transplant on a 5-day old baby.

Prof. Rela has over 600 peer reviewed publications and 50 book chapters in the field of transplantation to his name. He also serves as the Deputy Editor for journal Transplantation. He is the immediate past-president of The International Liver Transplantation Society and is the current President of The Liver Transplant Society of India.

He aims to champion the cause of ethical expansion of transplantation across the globe, especially among the emerging nations. In this regard, he is one the founders of the ILTS-iLDLT sponsored LDLT registry which aims at transparency and oversight of living donations and transplantation worldwide. His vision also includes enhancing cooperation among the regional, national and international transplantation societies with an aim to improve transparency, outcomes and access to transplantation.

Gustavo Fernandes Ferreira

Brazil (Latin America)

Gustavo Fernandes Ferreira, Brazil

Dr. Gustavo Ferreira, a distinguished nephrologist, currently serves as the Director of the Transplant Program at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Juiz de Fora. He graduated from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora in 2001 and completed residencies in Internal Medicine and Nephrology at the University of São Paulo (USP) in 2003 and 2006, respectively. Until 2011, he worked at the Renal Transplant Unit at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Medical School of USP.

In 2014, Dr. Ferreira earned his Doctorate in Medicine from USP, focusing on nephrology and transplantation. He served as President of the Brazilian Association of Organ Transplantation (ABTO) from 2022 to 2023 and advises the organization. Additionally, he was a board member of the Latin American and Caribbean Transplant Society (STALIC) from 2022 to 2023 and is now a full member of the Global Data Harmonization Committee of the Transplant Society (TTS).

Dr. Ferreira is actively involved in clinical research, with over 80 publications in national and international journals. He is a respected lecturer at universities in Brazil and abroad. Since 2012, he has coordinated the Nephrology Medical Residency Program at Santa Casa de Juiz de Fora. He has led its transplant program since 2014, demonstrating his extensive expertise in renal transplantation.

Paola Karina Garcia Padilla

Colombia (Latin America)

Paola Karina Garcia Padilla, Colombia

I would like to share with you my nomination for the position of Councilor for Latin America in the upcoming elections that will begin on March 18. My name is Paola Garcia-Padilla, internist nephrologist with more than 20 years of experience in renal transplantation, in the city of Bogota Colombia at the Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, and Associate Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Currently, I am President of the Colombian Association of Organ Transplantation (ACTO), and a member of the Board of Directors for 8 years, North Vice President of the Latin American and Caribbean Society of Transplantation (STALYC) and previously a member of the Board of Directors of the Colombian Association of Nephrology (ASOCOLNEF). I have been very committed to the education of students, especially nephrologists being coordinator of the nephrology specialization program for more than 15 years.  I am currently pursuing a master's degree in education for health professionals which strengthens my commitment to education.

I have actively participated in the development of transplant policies through the National Institute of Health and my interest is to work as a team with Latin American countries to improve access to transplantation and improve the quality of life of patients, while maintaining quality education.

Thanks to your support I will be able to represent you as a council for Latin America. 

Ruben Omar Schiavelli

Argentina (Latin America)

Ruben Omar Schiavelli, Argentina

Ruben Omar Schiavelli, MD
Medical graduate from the University of Buenos Aires
Resident Physician in Internal Medicine at the San Isidro Hospital
Specialist in Nephrology. University of Buenos Aires
Renal Transplant Rotation at the Jackson Memorial Hospital – University of Miami
Chief of the Nephrology and Renal Transplantation Division at the Cosme Argerich Hospital. Government of the City of Buenos Aires
Associate Director of the Specialized Course in Nephrology. University of Buenos Aires
Independent Professor of the Course in Nephrology, University of Buenos Aires
Adjunct Professor of the Nephrology Course at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina
Coordinator of the first renal perfusion programme in Argentina
President of the Argentine Transplant Congress (2020)
Member of the Scientific Committee at the 19th International Congress of The Transplantation Society (2022)
Contributing author of 42 publications on renal transplant and organ procurement, and author of 200 presentations for congresses on these areas
Speaker in over 50 conferences on renal transplant and organ procurement,
President of the Argentine Transplant Society (2010)
Secretary General of the Transplantation Society of Latin America and the Caribbean (STALYC) (2017-2020)

Stephen Alexander

Australia (Oceania)

Stephen Alexander, Australia

Prof Steve Alexander MD MPH FRACP (Uni of Sydney) is a pediatric nephrologist and transplant researcher at Children’s Hospital at Westmead, in Sydney, Australia, where he has trained nephrologists and scientists from throughout Oceania. His transplant training was in Boston. He is a Past President of TSANZ introducing Organ Match and NIKTT the indigenous initiative to improve kidney transplantation in Australia. He has organised the TTS Basic Science meeting and been on the organisation committee of 3 TTS meetings, is a past Sec Treasurer for IPTA, and past pediatric editor for Transplantation. His research is on transplant tolerance and genetics.

His interest in Council is driven by the need to improve transplantation opportunities for patients throughout Oceania and translating the success of basic science research into clinical practice in a fair and equitable way. This includes improving the training and support of the multi-disciplinary transplant teams in a variety of countries and health systems.

Jay A. Fishman

USA (North America)

Jay A. Fishman, United States

Jay A. Fishman, M.D., FACP, FAST, FIDSA is Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Director of the Transplant Infectious Diseases Program at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), and Associate Director of the MGH Transplant Center.  Dr. Fishman completed medical school at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, internal medicine training and Infectious Disease Fellowship at MGH, and Fellowships in Molecular Biology and Genetics at MGH and Harvard Medical School.  Dr. Fishman established the Transplant and Immunocompromised Host Program of the MGH, the first such training program worldwide which has trained many leaders in this field.  He established Transplant Infectious Disease as an essential component of Transplant programs.  His clinical expertise spans infectious diseases and immunology of solid organ and stem cell transplant recipients and has defined approaches to managing infectious risk in allo- and xenotransplantation.  His research defined the use of ganciclovir for cytomegalovirus infection in transplant recipients.  His background in immunology, virology and molecular biology led to the cloning of surface antigens of human Pneumocystis, and to studies of porcine cytomegalovirus and porcine endogenous retrovirus (PERV) in xenotransplantation.  He has over 300 peer-reviewed publications and is internationally recognized as a clinician-educator and scientist. He is Past-President of the American Society of Transplantation and is President-elect of the International Xenotransplantation Association.  He has received career achievement awards from AST and TTS.  Jay’s vision for TTS Council would be to enhance educational initiatives and to advance the availability and safety of transplantation for underserved populations worldwide.

Atul Humar

Canada (North America)

Atul Humar, Canada

Atul Humar, MD, MSc, FRCPC is a Professor in the Department of Medicine, University of Toronto. Dr. Humar received his medical degree from the University of Ottawa. He completed his residency and did further training in Transplant Infectious Diseases in Toronto and Boston. Dr. Humar’s research interests are in Transplant Infections, with a focus on the prevention and treatment of Cytomegalovirus, and immunologic and virologic determinants of infection. Dr. Humar has over 300 publications in these areas. His work was integral to the development of internationally used guidelines related to the management of infections post-transplant.  Dr. Humar has had significant contributions to the TTS.  He previously served as Associate Editor for the Journal Transplantation.  He is also senior author of the first, second, and third editions of the TTS sponsored International Guidelines for CMV.  He previously served as vice-Chair for the TTS Transplant ID Section. Dr. Humar recently completed his terms as the Director of the Ajmera Transplant Centre at the University Health Network, and as the Director of the University of Toronto Transplant Institute. He is also the Past-President of the Canadian Society of Transplantation.  If elected as councilor, Dr. Humar will work on behalf of TTS members to improve outreach, develop policy, enhance the value of membership, and improve access to transplantation globally.

TTS Call for Nominations - TTS Vice President

With his selection as the new Editor-in-Chief of Transplantation Journals (starting January 1, 2025), Stefan Tullius has decided to step down as TTS Vice President. Consequently, we will be holding a by-election for the position of TTS Vice President for a period of two years. To be eligible to run, applicants must have served on the council for a complete term. Our staff will send an email notification to all members who are eligible to run for the position. If you are unsure of your eligibility, please email

Nomination Deadline: June 14, 2024

Just Released - Transplantation Journal - June Issue

This issue provides a broad update on machine perfusion and ischaemic damage to the kidney, liver, and heart, with a series of research articles, commentaries, and overviews, which provide mandatory reading for those using machine perfusion and even important reading for those not yet engaged with machine perfusion. This isn't the only topic this month with the marginal zone B cell and extracellular exosome protein profiling both investigated. Clinical subjects, from donation strategies to lung fibrosis and atherosclerosis, are there for your education.

Table of Contents

Around the World

Research Highlights

Meeting Report

Expert Insights


TTS 2025 Newsletter #5 - May 30

In this Issue:

  • Opening Inspirational Keynote Speaker -Adam Alderson
  • Abstract Notifications
  • June 17 - Early Registration Deadline
  • Recognition Award Winners
  • WIT Award Winners
  • Design a Studio Session -Welcoming New Submissions

Opening Inspirational Keynote Speaker

Adam Alderson, UK

Resilience and defying the odds in transplantation
Adam is an award-winning speaker, patient clothing business owner, and Implant analysis sales manager. But Adam’s life could have taken a very different direction when at just 34 years old he was given the news he had a rare form of peritoneal cancer (Pseudomyxoma Peritonei) while living his dream life in Adelaide South Australia. Sent home for treatment, Adam underwent surgery at the Christie Cancer hospital in Manchester to try and remove the disease, but the procedure was unsuccessful, and Adam was sent home on palliative care with a prognosis of just two years. Refusing to accept his fate Adam set out to find a better alternative which led him to be put forward for a multi – visceral 8 organ transplant coupled with radical de-bulking surgery that changed everything. Adam speaks with raw passion and emotion sharing his journey from terminal cancer to taking on some of the world’s biggest endurance challenges, defying the odds to survive. Adam will be presenting in the Opening Ceremonies on September 22 at 18h.

Transplantation Resolution passed by WHO at WHA’77

Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly, 2024

On Wednesday May 29, at the World Health Organization’s seventy-seventh World Health Assembly, a new resolution to advance ethical transplantation globally, entitled Increasing availability, ethical access and oversight of transplantation of human cells, tissues and organs: 

The resolution is based on the elements reflected in the Santander Declaration , a product of the global transplant summit held in November 2023 with TTS a key supporter and our members providing expertise in its development.

The resolution emphasizes the need to expand transplantation (including maximizing deceased donation and protect living donors), ensure oversight measures (authorization, audits, registries, traceability and biovigilance), combat organ trafficking, address innovation and recognizes transplantation as a priority for member state health policy agendas. 
TTS further supported the resolution by collaborating with other non-state actors in the development of a constituency statement to encourage adoption of the resolution which was read at the assembly.

International Living Donor Liver Transplant (LDLT) Registry Partnership

The International Living Donor Liver Transplant (LDLT) Registry was developed to formally assess the outcomes after living liver donation as well as identify modifiable factors of outcomes. The registry is a partnerhsip between The Transplantation Society, the International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS), and the International Living Donor Liver Transplantation Group (iLDLT).

Endorsement from Elmi Muler, TTS President

2024 Basic and Translational Science Committee Award Winners Announced!

The Basic and Translational Science Committee of The Transplantation Society will award the first two new prestigious annual prizes to the best basic science and translational science papers published in Transplantation.

Dr. Andreas Habertheuer


Leslie B. Brent Award
Awarded for the most outstanding paper published in Transplantation in the field of Basic Science research.

"Circulating Donor Lung-Specific Exsome Profiles Enable Non-Invasive Monitoring of Acute Rejection in a Rodent Orthotopic Lung Transplantation Model"
Transplantation 106(4):p 754-766, April 2022

Prof. Gabriel Oniscu


Anthony P. Monaco Award
Awarded for the most outstanding paper published in Transplantation in the field of Translational Science research

"Improved Organ Utilization and Better Transplant Outcomes With Situ Normothermic Regional Perfusion in Controlled Donation After Circulatory Death "
Transplantation 107(2):p 438-448, February 2023

Announcement of 2024-2026 WIT Fellowship and LMIC Research Grant Winners

Women in Transplantation (WIT), a Special Initiative of The Transplantation Society, is delighted to announce our WIT Research Fellowship n Gender and Sex Award winners for 2024, as well as our WIT Research Grant for Projects on Gender and Sex in Transplantation (LMIC) winner.

Dr. Sumoyee Basu

King’s College London, UK

Sanofi Fellowship Award Winner

Dr. Slaghaniya Neupane

University Health Network, Toronto, Canada

Paladin Fellowship Award Winner

Dr. Sukanya Govindan

Mehta Hospital, Chennai, India

LMIC Research Grant Winner

Transplantation Journal Highlights

Transplantation - Social Media Content

Posttransplant Tertiary Lymphoid Organs
Tertiary lymphoid organs (TLOs), also known as tertiary or ectopic lymphoid structures or tissues, are accumulations of lymphoid cells in sites other than canonical lymphoid organs, that arise through lymphoid neogenesis during chronic inflammation in autoimmunity, microbial infection, cancer, aging, and transplantation, the focus of this review.
Effect of Subnormothermic Machine Perfusion on the Preservation of Vascularized Composite Allografts After Prolonged Warm Ischemia
Warm ischemia time (WIT) and ischemia–reperfusion injury are limiting factors for vascularized composite allograft (VCA) transplantation. Subnormothermic machine perfusion (SNMP) has demonstrated the potential to extend WIT in organ transplantation. This study evaluates the effect of SNMP on VCA viability after prolonged WIT.

Transplantation Direct - Social Media Content

Postoperative Complications in Living Donors for Lung Transplantation
Living donor lobar lung transplantation is a life-saving procedure for critically ill patients. This requires 2 healthy donors exposed to risks and without medical benefit. Therefore, the donor’s safety and minimal postoperative complications are crucial. This study aimed to investigate the short-term outcomes and identify the risk factors affecting these outcomes.
Case Report: The Use of Cryopreserved Saphenous Vein in Reconstruction of Transplant Renal Artery Dissection
Damage to the renal artery during organ procurement can lead to the discard of an otherwise usable organ. One devastating injury is arterial dissection. In the transplant setting, renal arterial dissection can occur from procurement or as a complication of the transplant procedure.

ISN-TTS Sister Transplant Centers Program

The program is a joint partnership between the International Society of Nephrology and The Transplantation Society to help establish new kidney transplant centers and develop existing kidney transplant programs in emerging countries. Please note that the program is open to all ISN and TTS members.

Application Deadline:
October 15 of each year

This initiative fosters partnerships between experienced transplant centers in the developed regions (Supporting Centers or SCs) and new and developing transplant centers (Emerging Centers or ECs) in low-resource regions, providing a framework and funding for up to six years of collaboration if adequate progress is made.

After six- years of improvement on the program, graduated centers are encouraged to support a third center within their region and therefore sustain the impact of their training and help other centers to develop.

In Case You Missed It…Recent Recordings

TID - Quality and Safety Survey

TID has launched a survey to develop quality indicators for managing infections in transplantation, aiming to improve patient outcomes. They seek input from centers worldwide to understand their data and mechanisms for handling post-transplant infections. This will enable collaboration with international organizations to create robust indicators. Only one representative per center is needed, preferably with an administrator. Your participation is crucial for advancing the field of Transplant Infectious Disease. Thank you for your contribution!

TTS @ ATC 2024 Congress in Philadelphia - Come and visit us at our booth!

Booth #224
Exhibit Hall is located in Exhibit Hall A, Level 2
Pennsylvania Convention Center

Onsite representatives:
Marcelle McPhaden, TTS Executive Director
Jennifer Groverman, Manager, DICG & Projects

Women in Transplantation Networking Event - Saturday, June 1 @18h15

Women in Transplantation (WIT), a Special Initiative of The Transplantation Society (TTS), is delighted to collaborate with the Women’s Health Community of Practice (WHCOP) of the American Society of Transplantation (AST), as well as the Women’s group of the ASTS (American Society of Transplant Surgeons) at a special Networking Event at the American Transplant Congress, the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Transplantation.

The session will take place in Ballroom AB on Level 3, up the escalators from the Grand Foyer. The ATC Women’s Networking Event is a joint activity of the ASTS, AST and TTS.

Michelle Josephson, United States
Professor of Medicine
Director of Education, Transplant Institute
UChicago Medicine
The agenda for the session is as follows:
  • 6:15pm – 6:30pm – Open Networking (drinks/hors d’oeuvres)
  • 6:30pm – 7:15pm – Presentation by Dr. Michelle Josephson
  • 7:15pm – 7:30pm – Q&A (Dr. Josephson and moderators) - audience questions encouraged
  • 7:30pm – 8:00pm – Open Networking

There is no separate registration fee for this event for all who are registered for the ATC meeting, and all are welcome.

We look forward to welcoming you!

In the News 



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